Aliens from outer space – Everything that originated outside the Earth and appeared on it can be called aliens from outer space. Sometimes they are called meteorites figuratively. But most often, aliens mean intelligent alien beings who have visited our planet.
We must consider the problem of the appearance of aliens from outer space from different points of view: historical and modern. There are a number of legends and historical monuments that can tell about events and phenomena that, from a modern point of view, can be explained, among other things, by the presence of aliens on Earth. As a rule, this information does not correspond to reality due to the fact that we do not have the opportunity to find out its sources. As a result of a consistent series of rewriting, processing and translation through a number of other languages, it has come down to us. For example, you can cite the Mayan languages, Spanish, English and Russian. In addition, the events described quite often may be caused by less exotic reasons.
Despite the fact that modern reports of contacts with flying saucer pilots, etc. have not been confirmed impartially and documented, they still cannot be taken into account.
Aliens from outer space
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