Information – The direct translation of the word information is an explanation.
Information is the ability of matter to preserve and transmit the properties (characteristics) of matter in its manifestations – physical objects, processes and, as a result, products of the human mind. The most common form of information presentation is its representation in the form of an image of the state, dynamics and evolution of material objects in the past, present or future.
The information is based on the physical characteristics of a substance or energy. As an example, one can cite the annual rings of tree trunks that report seasonal weather conditions. Electromagnetic radiation also stores and distributes information about the chemical composition of the star that emitted it, and the book stores information that a person has received or created.
From the very beginning, information was considered as a set of information or signals that are used for exchange between humans and other living organisms, as well as various technical devices.
It should be emphasized that in this context of discussing the concept and nature of information, the possibility of information exchange is important. It should include the source and consumer of the information. If the source of information can be both a living and inanimate object, then the consumers of information can be objects that were originally created by living intelligent beings, such as humans.
Information comes with life, but is meaningless as a term in inanimate nature.
As a result, it can be concluded that information exchange is impossible in the absence of life, just as life cannot exist without information exchange, starting from the chromosome level. In this regard, information exchange should be considered as a fundamental property of matter responsible for the appearance and existence of life in the universe.
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