Oorta cloud – Thanks to the name of Dutch astronomer Jan Hendrik Oort, the cloud was named. From 1900 to 1992 he worked at the Oort company.
It covers the inner part of the Solar System, located on its “outskirts”, and is called the Oort cloud. The total length of its outer boundary ranges from 40,000 to 150,000 astronomical units. A large number of ice blocks are located in the Oort cloud. The filler in them consists of water ice and frozen gases, primarily carbon dioxide. They were embedded with dust particles and larger solid fragments that contain compounds of silicates, metals and carbon. It is believed that the substances of these blocks were not used in the formation of large bodies of the Solar system.
In such proximity to the Sun, it looks like an ordinary bright star, and its orbital velocity around it is only a fraction of a meter per second. Sometimes, as a result of gravitational interactions or collisions, some of the bodies that make up the cloud may decrease their speed. The consequence of this is the beginning of their fall into the central space of the Solar System, where they turn into comets.”
Oorta cloud
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