Year – the time of one revolution of the Earth around the Sun is called a year. Throughout the year, our planet moves through space at a speed of 29.765 kilometers per second. That’s over 100,000 kilometers per hour.
According to the terminology, the anomalistic year is the time interval between two consecutive passages of the Earth of its perihelion. Its period is 365.25964 days. In terms of time, it is about 27 minutes ahead of the duration of the tropical year (see here). This is due to the constant change in the position of the perihelion point. In the present time period, on January 2nd, the Earth passes the perihelion point.
According to the currently accepted calendar, every fourth year in most of the world has an extra day, February 29, which is called a leap year. It is necessary because the Earth makes one revolution around the Sun for a period not exceeding one day. Significant error during the year is almost four hours, and every year it is compensated by the introduction of an “extra day”. In addition, there is the Gregorian calendar.
Survey time around the Sun in the coordinate system of “fixed stars”, i.e. as if “‘when looking at the solar system from the side'”. This was equal to 365 days, six hours, nine minutes and nine seconds in 1950. The length of the year is altered by the perturbing influence of other planets, primarily Jupiter and Saturn, which affect it in a few minutes.
Also, in a hundred years, the length of the year decreases by 0.53 seconds. This is due to the fact that the Earth brakes the Sun’s rotation around its axis with its tidal forces. However, according to the law of conservation of momentum, this is compensated for by the fact that the Earth is moving away from the Sun and according to Kepler’s second law the period of its rotation increases.
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