Atmosphere (from Greek atmos -“vapor”, “steam” and sphaîra meaning “ball”). Atmosphere is the the outer gas envelope of planets, some of their satellites, and stars… All planets in the solar system have atmospheres that vary greatly in thickness and chemical composition. They have a great influence on the physical conditions of planets such as Venus, Earth, and Mars…. The strength of Mercury and Pluto and their influence on the physical conditions of these planets are insignificant. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have very dense atmospheres that have no lower boundary and become denser with increasing depth. Processes in planetary atmospheres are related to their thickness and chemical composition, radiation from the central body of the planetary system, the speed of rotation of the planet around its axis and the inclination of this axis to the plane of the planet’s orbit as well as internal energy sources. The factors listed above affect the temperature in different parts of the atmosphere, which determines the circulation of gases in it, namely wind, the formation of clouds of water vapor or other chemicals, and seasonal changes of the physical conditions at the it’s lower layers. All that has been said about the processes in the atmospheres of planets, for the most part applies to the atmospheres of the satellites of planets. Stellar atmosphere does not affect the physical processes in stars. The atmosheres of the most stars consist of material constantly entering the star material, which is constantly scattered in the surrounding space.
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