Person – Man, as an intelligent being, appeared about a million years ago on planet Earth. The explanation seems more likely, according to which the process of its appearance was due to natural selection among other organisms.
The process of finding the “missing transitional stage” between man and ape, which anthropologists talk about, seems much less complicated than accepting the hypothesis of the appearance of “intelligent man” as a result of the influence of aliens. This can be confirmed at least by the fact that the genetic code and molecular composition of the proteins of the human body are absolutely identical to those that are characteristic of the proteins that make up other organisms living on the planet.
The popular opinion that man is “the “highest stage of the development of matter”” has no basis. Following it, most likely, within the framework of the civilization already established on Earth, the emergence of intelligent life will naturally follow, which will develop along the next evolutionary steps.
There is one direction of evolution that will not necessarily be realized in the future, but it can already manifest itself. Now it is almost not surprising that artificial teeth and limbs are an integral part of the human body. Currently, new technologies are being developed that can make it possible to create substitutes for other important human organs. This process shows us the direction of further development, as a result of which a person is first connected to a machine, and then the biological carrier of the human mind is replaced by its human-created electronic-mechanical equivalent.
It is possible that there will be other options. So, for example, if you clone living beings, and in particular humans, then this may affect their evolution in a different way.
There is no doubt that the influence of civilization as a natural factor on man and his biological species, as well as his natural development, is a fact.
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