Planetary configuration – The configuration of the planets is a special case when the planets are in harmony with each other, as well as with the Sun and the Earth.
The upper connection.
The configuration will be implemented at the moment when the Sun will be between the Earth and the planet (internal or external). The transverse planes of the orbits of all the planets are perpendicular to the plane of the Earth’s orbit. Thus, depending on how the planet is located in orbit, it can pass above or below the Sun at the upper junction, as well as go beyond it.
The bottom connection.
At the moment when the inner planet is between the Earth and the Sun, the configuration process takes place. According to the reasons discussed in the article “upper connection” (see here), a planet can pass through the disk of the Sun, and at the lower connection – below or above it.
Square (from Latin. qudratura – to make a quadrangular) is a shape that allows you to make a quadrangular space.
When the configuration is implemented, the angle between the directions to the Sun and the outer planet becomes 900 for an earthly observer.
Mutual confrontation.
At the moment when the Earth is on the line between the outer planet and the Sun, the configuration is realized. At the same time, the planet is located at a minimum distance from Earth. Due to the fact that the orbit of the Earth and the planets has an elliptical shape, the distances between the Earth and any outer planet from collision to confrontation can be changed. In the case when the confrontation occurs after a certain number of revolutions of the Earth around the Sun, at which the distance between them is minimal, it is called the “great confrontation”.
Demonstration, or elongation (from Latin. elongatio – delete).
This configuration occurs when an observer from space sees the Sun and the inner planet at the maximum angular distance from each other.
Planetary configuration
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