Space devices.
Any technical devices that are used in space to carry out their activities are referred to as spacecraft. They are divided into two large categories: manned and unpiloted. The former are spaceships and stations, and the latter are automatic vehicles.
The glow.
Rays from space are streams of individual charged particles with great velocity that come from outer space. Protons predominate in their composition, but electrons, helium nuclei and heavier chemical elements are also present. Some of these nuclei have a mass number exceeding 30 atomic units of mass.
There are solar cosmic rays, which are created by the Sun, and the so-called galactic cosmic rays, which are part of our Solar system. The energy index of solar cosmic rays does not exceed 1010 electron volts. The particles of galactic cosmic rays have a much higher energy, reaching 1021 electron volts. At the same time, the limiting energies of charged particles accelerated in their terrestrial accelerators do not exceed 1015 electron volts.
It has now become generally accepted that other space objects can be sources of galactic cosmic rays. Regarding the mechanisms by which charged particles of galactic cosmic rays acquire their high velocities, i.e., strictly speaking, kinetic energy or their enormous energies, it is not entirely clear and understandable that they are accelerated as a result of the influence of powerful electric or magnetic fields (see physical, electromagnetic fields).
A large number of particles of galactic cosmic rays with very high energies have not been detected. Today, 10 particles with an energy greater than 5•1019 electron volts have been experimentally registered. Based on this, it can be concluded that for particles with an energy of 1019 electron volts, the average density of their flux is about 1 particle every 100 years.
The size of the streams of solar cosmic rays, which are formed during intensive processes on the Sun, is much larger. There is a possibility that they can reach values of up to 105 particles in a time interval of 1 cm2 per second, and this is their main threat to astronauts.
These streams of solar cosmic rays can harm the human body not only on board a spacecraft located outside the Earth’s magnetosphere, but also on the surfaces of cosmic bodies that do not have sufficient magnetic fields. For example, the Moon and Mars are such bodies.
The creation of human settlements on the Moon will have some difficulties due to the need for protection from sunlight and equipment of living quarters under the surface of the satellite. Mars has special magnetic fields that protect its vast territories and settlements can be placed in them under the open sky.
Conducting scientific research.
Space scientific research can be carried out using special equipment that is installed on spacecraft (more information about this can be found here).
The topic of research is space bodies, the space environment and matter with biological objects that are exposed to cosmic factors: weightlessness, vacuum, etc.
Several areas of these studies are dynamically developing.
Astronomical observations from spacecraft are the study of distant galactic and extragalactic objects using telescopes operating in a wide range of electromagnetic radiation and cosmic ray receivers (see here). This method makes it possible to eliminate interference from the Earth’s atmosphere and obtain unique information about cosmological (see Cosmology) objects that cannot be obtained by terrestrial methods.
Conducting research using instruments that are installed on artificial Earth satellites allows you to explore the near-Earth space environment, the parameters of which depend very much on the influence of the Sun. When studying the properties of the Earth’s ionosphere, the electric and magnetic fields that are associated with it are measured. This information helps to understand the complex mechanisms of the Sun’s influence, which affect many processes and events vital to humanity. Such events also include reliably recorded accidents that occurred on extended technical structures: power lines, cable lines, etc., as a result of exposure to sunlight or parasitic electric currents. Currently, it is known that solar activity has a huge impact on the Earth’s biosphere, the state of health and well-being of people.
Scientists have created a whole class of spacecraft that will explore the Sun from near-Earth orbits and from interplanetary trajectories. The purpose of such research is to understand the influence of the Sun on all processes on Earth, since it is the closest to us and a fairly typical star. His corona is a natural laboratory for studying the basic characteristics of plasma, and is also the immediate reason for conducting research.
The planets and small bodies of the Solar system are studied with the help of spacecraft that are heading towards them. The study is carried out using vehicles that fly near objects or enter orbit around them, as well as descent devices, which can be both stationary probes and mobile mechanisms such as lunar rovers. This line of research is conducted on the basis of a newly emerged science called “comparative planetary science”. Knowledge of the mechanisms of the origin and development of the planets of the Solar system, as well as possible trends in the evolution of the Earth, should be achieved within the framework of this science. In the 21st century, it will be necessary to prepare for interplanetary flights, which will be carried out in manned mode. It is also necessary to study the possibility of changing the physical conditions on the surface of Mars and Venus in order to ensure that our descendants live there in the distant future.
Astronauts and cosmonauts are engaged in research in the field of space medicine and biology on the basis of manned spacecraft and orbital stations. Their main goal is to prepare spacecraft crews for long interplanetary crossings.
Research is currently underway in the field of space material. The possibilities of developing and producing various types of materials, bio- and medical preparations with improved or new properties compared to materials obtained on Earth are being clarified.
Space devices
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