Space masers – The word comes from the initial letters of the English words Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, which means an increase in microwave radiation as a result of stimulated emission of radiation.
Masers, which are natural in space, are clusters of interstellar gas. They are clusters of excited molecules that have higher than normal electron energies of their atoms or their vibrational and rotational motion. There are various reasons for this state of the gas. For example, its heating by nearby stars or clouds with increased radiation, but these clouds have the ability to increase the level of radio emission passing through them. The mechanism for increasing the intensity of the radiation is based on the conversion under the influence of high-frequency radio radiation of a large number of excited molecules to their normal state, in which they emit radio waves of the same wavelength and are directed in the same direction as the radiation that caused this transition. Always when external factors act, the molecules return to the excited state again, and the process does not stop.
Space masers
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