Temperature (from lat. temperature is the normal state).
The physical quantity given as an example characterizes the average kinetic energy of the particles (atoms, molecules, electrons, etc.) that make up a physical object. The higher the temperature, the more energy that is used to create it. Temperature registration is carried out by measuring the physical properties of objects that change with increasing temperature. As a rule, in the simplest situations, length registration occurs, i.e. volume, column of mercury or alcohol in a thermometer, or a change in the electrical properties of the sensor in thermoelectric temperature meters.
If necessary, to measure the temperature of the object, you can use the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. As a result, the color, effective and brightness will be determined (see here) temperatures.
In order to assess the temperature level, four scales are used. To determine the reference points in three of them, the states of water phase transitions, such as the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure, were used.
When measuring the temperature in the Celsius scale, the melting point of ice takes the value 00 C, and the boiling point of water is 1000 C.
According to the Fahrenheit formula, the melting point of ice is assumed to be 320 F, and the boiling point of water is 2120 F. The value of a degree in this scale is almost twice less than the value of a degree Celsius.
On the temperature scale, which is called Rheomur, the melting point of ice is taken as 0 R, and the boiling point of water as 800 R.
The Kelvin scale is a scale that is based on an absolute zero temperature of minus 273.150 C. The magnitude of a degree in this scale is equal to one degree Celsius.
The average kinetic energy of the particles of a physical body is a measure of temperature. This circumstance is present in its name.
The color scheme.
The temperature indicator for an object is called the color temperature. It characterizes the temperature of a blackbody in which the energy distribution over a wide range of its electromagnetic radiation is the same as that of a given object.
Therefore, in order to determine the color temperature of an object, it is necessary to measure the intensity of its radiation at two different wave frequencies. After that, the slope of the spectral region between the wavelengths in which the radiation intensity of a real light source is measured is measured and compared with the slope of the same sections of the spectrum of absolutely black bodies having different temperatures. Planck’s law was used to create them. The temperature indicator of a blackbody will be taken as the color temperature of the object if the angles between the selected sections of the spectral lines coincide.
The electron temperature is measured in plasma, which is comparable to the average kinetic energy of electrons. It has a conditional meaning, since in most cases thermodynamic equilibrium is absent in plasma. At the same time, the kinetic energy of electrons significantly exceeds the energy of neutral particles and ions. The above value of the electron temperature is one of the most important parameters of the plasma state.
According to the definition, the effective temperature of an object is the temperature of a completely black body, each unit of it emits the same flow of energy in a wide range of electromagnetic radiation as any other unit of the area of this object. According to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, the high-efficiency temperature of an object is related to the flow of energy from it.
In order to determine the optimal temperature of an object, it is necessary to measure the radiation flux from it over the entire frequency range. To do this, you can use a radiation receiver or a bolometer.
In the case of objects like the bodies of the Solar System, which do not have sufficiently powerful energy sources, but at the same time have a radiation flux with a known spectral composition and power, another method is used to determine the effective temperature. It can be determined by the amount of solar energy that falls on these bodies. This possibility arose due to the fact that these objects are in thermodynamic equilibrium with the radiation flux, while their amount of energy is absorbed and radiated equally. Having an idea of their albedo, it is possible to determine their effective temperature using the Stefan-Boltzmann laws.
Bright, saturated.
The brightness temperature of an object is the temperature of a completely black body, each unit of it in a wide range of electromagnetic radiation emits the same flow of energy as any other unit of the area of this object. Such comparisons are carried out near the wavelength of radiation, which is 0.66 microns.
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