The solar system – It includes not only the Sun, nine major planets and other celestial bodies, but also small planets, comets and meteoroids. All of them are in motion around the Sun, making movements in orbits that have very slight deviations from the plane of the earth’s orbit, called the ecliptic plane. The main masses of dust, gas and plasma of the solar wind are concentrated in the plane of the ecliptic, which is the place of concentration of magnetic fields (see electromagnetic field, physical field). The sun makes up 99.866% of the mass of the Solar system, and the nine major planets make up 0.1337%. The total mass of 0.0003% is accounted for by comets and meteoroids, asteroids, dust and gas with plasma, as well as meteorites, satellites and large planets. These objects are arranged in descending order of their share in the total mass. At the same time, the size of the Sun – 1.5 million km – is 0.0001% of the size of the inner part of the Solar System, which is limited by the orbit of Pluto, which is the farthest of all the planets in the Solar system. At the same time, the total diameter of the Solar System in the plane of the ecliptic, limited by the Oort cloud and its constituent parts from cometary nuclei, is about 1-4 thousand times larger than the diameter of Pluto’s orbit.
The boundary of the Solar System directed perpendicular to the ecliptic is called the heliopause. At this point, the process of equalizing the influence of the solar wind and interstellar gas, which flow around the Solar system moving around the center of the Galaxy, takes place. This distance in this direction is only 2.5-5 times greater than the diameter of Pluto’s orbit.
Inside the Solar System, even in its inner part, the density is 1* 10-12 g/cm3, which is one trillionth of the density of water, and it can be reasonably said that it is a “visible void. It should be noted that the density of the Universe is 3* 10-31 g/cm3, i.e. three million trillion times less, but this does not take into account an unknown, possibly significant, addition of hidden mass. There is a critical density of the universe.”
The solar system
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