Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) – According to the definition, unidentified flying objects are any unusual natural phenomena that, according to their researchers, cannot be explained. In some cases, some of them, having an elliptical shape, have the right to be called flying saucers.
Reports of UFO sightings in the media are often the result of insufficient familiarization with the basics of physics, astronomy and ignorance of the details of the latest technological advances. UFOs in most cases are the rarest natural phenomena, for example: auroras, fireballs, etc., as well as astronomical phenomena or phenomena: Venus, comets, meteorites, etc.
There are very few cases where information about UFO sightings is reliable and can be trusted, as well as it is obtained by an experienced observer. At the same time, it is always not enough to restore the full picture of the event and, moreover, to understand the nature of the phenomenon.
One of the most popular assumptions about the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs and the constant presence of aliens from other planets on Earth. Nevertheless, it is difficult to agree with such a statement, despite the fact that it is based on a number of considerations.
The inhabitants of another world who have equipped such expeditions cannot be further than a few dozen parsecs from the Solar System. There are no conditions for their existence here. The maintenance of an extensive and long-term expedition in such a remote area from the “center” seems unreasonable. This seems more pointless if we take into account the low intensity and small variety of studies that are allegedly conducted by crews of many different types of UFOs. The main actions of the “Nlonauts”, judging by the descriptions, are limited to appearances over populated areas or industrial facilities, the exits of pilots from UFOs, the capture for several hours or days of representatives of the earth’s civilization for the purpose of their research, etc. If we also take into account that this continues, according to ufologists – researchers of UFO phenomena – for dozens, if if not for hundreds of years, then such unproductive activity of intelligent beings seems absolutely incredible. There is no doubt that for a highly developed civilization capable of sending a well-equipped interstellar expedition, a thorough study of the Earth and its inhabitants will take no more than a few months.
The acceptance of the hypothesis about the humanistic goals of UFO pilots’ stay on Earth is completely refuted by the huge number of uncontrollable epidemics and military conflicts that they constantly provoke.
There is a possibility that UFOs were sent to us by a highly developed and powerful civilization that was ready to spend huge resources on monitoring the development of the situation on Earth. But in this case, it must inevitably manifest itself among other space objects, differing from them in spectrum and other characteristics by electromagnetic radiation, which is not observed.
The most effective way to study those rare events that cannot be explained within the framework of the studied physiological processes is their professional study. There are some phenomena that are related to heliophysics, atmospheric electrification, etc. However, this requires the creation of a permanent network of well-equipped observation posts, which may require significant costs.
Unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
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