World constants (constants)- Among the many physical constants, the world’s fundamental constants occupy a special place. The generally recognized world constants include: the speed of light in a vacuum, the value of the electron charge, the mass of the electron, the mass of the proton, the gravitational constant and some others. Measurements carried out with a high degree of accuracy confirm their immutability in space and time.
Indeed, if the numerical values of the world constants were somewhat different, this would not lead to significant changes in the overall picture of the Universe. And yet the calculations suggest that this is far from the case. The physical properties of the universe are closely related to its numerical values.
In order to avoid complicated conclusions, we will note only a few results due to the fact that these constants would have other numerical values.
If the electron charge increased 10 times, it would lead to a 100 percent increase in the mass of matter, which is necessary to maintain thermonuclear reactions. The velocity of their flow would increase significantly, and in the modern Universe there would be no stars with a mass comparable to that of the Sun. Thus, all such stars would have already been turned into white dwarfs or neutron stars.
With an increase of 2.5 times the mass of an electron, hydrogen atoms are impossible. If the electromagnetic interaction constant, which depends on parameters such as the electron charge, the speed of light and Planck’s constant, were reduced by 30 percent, the existence of atoms with an atomic number greater than four would become impossible.
Due to the fact that the Universe has a very narrow range of possible variations in the numerical values of the world constants, at which it can exist in its current form, we can talk about the uniqueness of a set of these values or the uniqueness of the Universe as a whole.
World constants (constants)
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